Program Schedule
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
(1 hour)
Registration and Arrival of Participants
11:00 AM – 11:15 AM
(15 minutes)
Welcome Remarks
Undersecretary Heherson M. Asiddao
Opening Activities
House rules
Overview of activities
Levelling of expectations
Overview of the Training Seminar
Structure of the Training
Previous PPP trainings
Discussions of Impressions; Setting Expectations and Objectives
NEDA and PPP Center Project Evaluation Requirements and Role of this Training
11:15 AM – 12:30 noon
(1 hour and 15 minutes)
Economic Foundations of PPPs
Economic Foundations of PPPs
Economics as the Foundation of for Project Development and PPP
Scarcity, Decisions, and Choices
Definition of Economics - Elements of Choices and Decisions
The Concept of Opportunity Cost
Marginalism – Only the Changes Count
The Law of Comparative Advantage – Do the Things You are Best at, with the Least Opportunity Cost
Efficient Markets – There is no Such Thing as Free Lunch
Economic Profit vs Accounting Profit
Introduction to Economic vs Financial Analysis
Ronilo M. Balbieran
Program Manager, Finance, and PPP Specialist
REID Foundation
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
(1 hour and 30 minutes)
Lunch Break
2:00 AM – 2:30 PM
(30 minutes)
Interactive Session
Broad applications of the Concepts of Economic and Accounting Profit in Government Projects (possibly DICT Projects)
Discussion of some PPP projects in the past
Which DICT Projects can qualify as PPP?
Ronilo M. Balbieran
Program Manager, Finance, and PPP Specialist
REID Foundation
2:30 AM – 3:30 PM
(1 hour)
Theory of Price
Value vs. Cost vs. Price
Basic Concept of Supply and Demand
Efficiencies vs. Deadweight Loss
Externalities and Public Goods
Concept of Shadow Prices
Free Market vs. The Role of Government
When is government important? When is it not?
Identifying the Optimal Role of PPPs in the role of government
Ronilo M. Balbieran
Program Manager, Finance, and PPP Specialist
REID Foundation
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM
(15 minutes)
Health Break
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM
(1 hour)
Intertemporal Choice and the Economics of Investment
Understanding the Time Value of Money
Interest Rate as the Price of Money Across Time
Risk-Return Trade-off: Risks and Interest Rates
Concepts of Nominal Returns vs. Net Present Value
Internal Rate of Return
“The Discount Rate” – Social Discount Rate and Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
Basic Principles of Valuation
Applied to Valuation of a Company or a Project
Examples Demonstrating the Critical Role of Valuation in PPP Projects
Why bids in PPP differ significantly
Ronilo M. Balbieran
Program Manager, Finance, and PPP Specialist
REID Foundation
4:45 PM – 5:00 PM
(15 minutes)
Open Forum
Closing Activities
Announcements and reminders for Day 2
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