Right-of-Way Acquisition
(ROWA) Seminars
Our organization, REID Foundation, in cooperation with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) organized the Right-of-Way: DPWH ROWA Manual Seminar. This seminar is a high-level, intensive discussion of the new Republic Act No. 10752 or the Right-of-Way Act and DPWH Right-of-Way Acquisition Manual (DRAM). It principally aims to familiarize the ROW Teams, project contractors, lawyers, and other stakeholders of the DPWH that will be handling the ROW acquisition on the new ROW law and procedures. The discussions are conducted by the recognized authorities on the subject matter.
Training on Assessing Trade effects of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs)
The REID Foundation as a sub-grantee of the USAID arranged for Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) to provide technical assistance related to training on assessing trade effects of non-tariff measures (NTMs) to the officials and staff of the Tariff Commission (TC). The training utilized quantitative methodology on the computation of Ad Valorem Equivalent (AVE) of NTMs aided by a statistical software. The assistance formed part of the USAID’s Regulatory Reform Support Program for National Development (RESPOND) targeted to key government agencies for policy reform and responsive organizational development support.
Capacity Building Program on Trade Policy Negotiations on Commercial Construction Services
The REID Foundation provided technical assistance to the Philippine Overseas Construction Board (POCB) of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (POCB) officials and staff by way of a seminar on trade negotiations by developing approaches on how to pursue offensive interests in overseas markets for Philippine construction services firms. Under the RESPOND program on policy reforms, the training focused on reforming traditional policy options towards new directions by opening up more opportunities for construction services trade. 2019
Forum on Moving Towards Quality Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs)
The REID Foundation as a sub-grantee of the USAID under the RESPOND set of activities organized a forum for national government agencies with trade regulatory functions. The purpose was to share experiences on known good practices of agencies on Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) and to look into new governance issues towards reforming agency processes on how NTMs are formulated and implemented. In compliance to Section 1603 (e) of RA 10863 otherwise known as the Customs and Modernization Act, the Forum served to bring in the new role of the Tariff Commission as a key adviser on NTMs to the President of the Philippines.
Training on Economic, Financial and Value for Money (VFM) Analysis
The REID Foundation, in collaboration with the Planet Partnerships, crafted and provided USAID-DPWH Training Program: Economic, Financial and Value for Money (VFM) Analysis under the USAID Delivering Effective Government for Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth (DELIVER) project. The training program combines instructor-led training sessions with indirect capacity-building through “learning by doing” and technical advisory support in crafting the Metro Cebu Expressway Project. It is learner-centered and pays careful attention to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that participants individually bring. It goes beyond technical advisory support and has extended to mentoring and coaching when talking to executives from potential contractors and financiers. With this, DPWH staff has learned essential strategies and tools to help ensure that DPWH’s PPP projects are technically sound and incorporate essential strategies and tools to ensure a strong partnership between the public and private sectors.