The Better Access and Connectivity (BEACON) Project
BEACON project to promote economic growth by improving the country’s secure and transparent access to information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart logistics. Leveraging existing innovation and investment in the Philippines, the project will help enhance the country’s digital ecosystem by focusing simultaneously on institutional capacity; policy, regulatory, and process improvements; and underlying systems, infrastructure, and interoperability – all undertaken with intensive private sector and multi-stakeholder engagement.
BEACON is implemented across three key components: to improve the quality of ICT and logistics infrastructure, to strengthen the enabling environment and regulatory governance, and to reinforce cybersecurity protections.
In Beacon, REID Foundation is a grantee that build the capacity of the DICT in procurement and related activities, broaden the perspective and knowledge of DICT on PPP, and contributed the policy reform effort for PPP and Procurement.
November 10, 2022 - October 30, 2024
The Regulatory Reform Support Program for National Development (RESPOND) Project
This is implemented by the University of the Philippines Public Administration Research and Extension Services Foundation, Inc. (UPPAF). RESPOND Project is a 4- year program (2019-2022) which aims to assist the Philippines to improve its regulatory quality that will lead to enhanced competitiveness, and ultimately, contribute to higher levels of investment and trade, inclusive growth and self-reliance. The overall goal of RESPOND is to foster a more open and competitive regulatory environment for greater trade and investment.
REID Foundation will spearhead strategic activities addressing Behind the Border Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) and other Regulations Affecting the Construction Industry. This includes providing technical assistance and conduct of assessment.

September 1, 2019 - June 30, 2023
The Delivering Effective Government for Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth (DELIVER) Project
July 25, 2019 - June 30, 2023
DELIVER Project is a 5-year program (2019-2023) which intends to be a set of technical interventions that will help address the problem of weak competitiveness and non-inclusivity of economic growth in the Philippines which are factors that constrain trade and investment, limit growth potential and productivity and affect sustainable economic development.
The interventions will be directed to 3 components; 1) mobilize domestic public resources and improve public financial management, 2) strengthen capacity for infrastructure development 3) boost the competitiveness of the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) sector.
In DELIVER, REID Foundation is a subcontractor that serves as the key partner in leading activities under Component 2: Capacity for Infrastructure Development Strengthened and to provide support in activities under Components 1 and 3. The strategic activity areas for Component 2 that REID undertakes are geared toward strengthening the capacity of line agencies, expanding Public-Private Partnerships and strengthening interagency coordination through the infrastructure convergence programs with DPWH, DOT, DTI, DOTR, and others.


November 19, 2018 - November 19, 2019
REID’s role in this project was to improve the policy framework and planning systems for the development of DPWH projects to the infrastructure requirements of tourism, trade and industry, military, security and other economic and social sectors through existing and new Convergence Programs between DPWH and the Departments concerned.
To Embed and institutionalize the improved policy framework and planning system in the Convergence Program, as part of its regular functions , and provide for their sustained use by the DPWH Planning Service (PS) as well as the Regional Offices (ROs) and the District Engineering Offices (DEOs) and other units involved.
Consultancy Services for Infrastructure Convergence Planning System and Policy Development
Philippine Construction Industry Roadmap 2020-2030
November 5, 2018 - November 30, 2019
REID was able to,
Establish a clear and systematic document that will arrange the various current and future initiatives and contributions of the stakeholders of the Construction industry.
identify actionable items assigned to responsible government agencies and relevant private sector professional and business organizations
To incorporate the practical timeliness of the actionable items.
To estimate the appropriate financial and non-financial requirements of the actionable items; and
To provide a monitoring and compliance document of the Construction Industry Roadmap

Concept Paper Multi-sectoral Dialogue in
Addressing Logistics Infrastructure
February 20, 2018 - May 31, 2018
The objective of the program is to support citizens and their coalitions in raising a demand for good governance and inclusive institutions for sustained inclusive growth in the Philippines. The proposed program has two main pillars – building coalitions for inclusive growth across the political spectrum in support of a broader set of reforms to meet the challenge of sustaining change for good governance and inclusive growth, one of which is the improvement of the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects; recognizing that infrastructure has short term and long-term high impact on communities, businesses, employment economy and quality of living, coalition and the network that will be expanded will naturally follow a sequence towards the immediate, intermediate, and final users of infrastructure.

USAID – Advancing Philippine Competitiveness (COMPETE)

COMPETE is a project aimed at supporting higher economic growth through interventions in infrastructure, power, tourism, agribusiness, manufacturing and domestic credit. Specifically it aims to improve quality of crucial infrastructure, particularly for transport and energy; enhance competitiveness of key industries, such as tourism and agribusiness; and improve access to credit direct and indirect programs in the capital markets.
April 05, 2013 - October 04, 2017
Supporting Reform Coalitions and Inclusive Institutions for Sustainable Change in the Philippines
June 23, 2015 - March 31, 2016
The objective of the program is to support citizens and their coalitions in raising a demand for good governance and inclusive institutions for sustained inclusive growth in the Philippines. The proposed program has two main pillars – building coalitions for inclusive growth across the political spectrum in support of a broader set of reforms to meet the challenge of sustaining change for good governance and inclusive growth, one of which is the improvement of the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects; recognizing that infrastructure has short term and long-term high impact on communities, businesses, employment economy and quality of living, coalition and the network that will be expanded will naturally follow a sequence towards the immediate, intermediate, and final users of infrastructure.

Supporting Reform Coalitions and Inclusive Institutions for Sustainable Change in the Philippines
Sustainable Port Development in the
ASEAN Region
May 15, 2013 - June 15, 2013
The objective of the program is to Support DOTC through technical assistance and recommendations regarding the transposing of International Conventions related to the maritime sector focusing on ports, into National Law.

Sustainable Port Development in theASEAN Region
USAID - Economic Growth Hubs –
RORO Network, Philippines
Linking the Island Economics of the Philippines and Asia through Roll-on Roll-off (RORO). REID will continue to pursue the expansion of the
Domestic RO-RO routes through pre-feasibility studies in support of specific regional RORO routes that can serve as an early impetus for establishing and expanding a prospective regional RORO network.

October 01, 2011 - August 31, 2012
Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)

USAID - Economic Growth Hubs –
Partnership for Better Infrastructure, Philippines
October 01, 2011 - August 31, 2012
REID’s role is to provide technical assistance to local partners to get priority infrastructure project on track towards implementation rather being diverted into less productive, primarily politically-motivated projects. Expanding and improving the road network in these areas will more evenly spread opportunities for commercial development, job creation, and economic growth.

Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)

USAID - Economic Growth Hubs –
Public-Private Partnership, Philippines
October 01, 2011 - August 31, 2012
This activity will seek to establish an enduring policy and institutional environment that promotes competitively bid and properly implemented PPP infrastructure projects.

Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)

USAID - Economic Growth Hubs –
RORO Network, Philippines
October 01, 2010 - September 30, 2011
REID will undertake activities to improve the provision of infrastructure needed to support economic development and poverty reduction. The grant will focus on three key activities: Improving the policy environment for Public-Private Infrastructure Projects, increasing the transparency of the infrastructure budget process and expanding the roll-on, roll-off (RORO) sea transport network. Linking the Island Economics of the Philippines and Asia through Roll-on Roll-off (RORO)

Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)

USAID - Economic Growth Hubs –
Partnership for Better Infrastructure, Philippines
October 01, 2010 - September 30, 2011
Partnership for Better Infrastructure through Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Budget and Spending. REID’s role is to develop programs and initiatives aimed at promoting growth and reducing poverty. This grant is further in keeping with the Foundation’s overall country program strategy to promote sustained economic growth in a global competitive economy, access to justice and opportunity in a vibrant democratic society and promote peace and development in Mindanao.

Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)

USAID - Economic Growth Hubs –
Public-Private Partnership, Philippines
October 01, 2010 - September 30, 2011
This activity will support the new administration’s efforts to promote public-private partnerships through solicited, transparent, and competitive processes. The project helped the private sector establish a “PPP Coalition” consisting of the Bankers Association of the Philippines, Philippine Constructors Association, and Investment Houses Association of the Philippines.

Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)

Port Area Development Study,
Estancia, Iloilo City
October 04, 2010 - December 05, 2010
REID’s role is to provide an overview of the existing location for the development area including socio-economic parameters, land and geographic information, as well as an existing market situational; conduct an onsite evaluation of the site; conduct an extensive scanning of relevant existing literature, as well as the primary and secondary data; and prepare financial projection to determine the financial viability of the development for the 10 has property in Estancia, Iloilo.

F.F. Marine Corporation
Port Area
Development Study
Construction Industry Roadmap
March 01, 2010 - August 31, 2010
REID primary role is to undertake the following:
Preparation of the Construction Industry Outlook and
Crafting of the Construction Industry Roadmap
Research on Industry Outlook
Documentation of the FGDs/consultative workshops
Crafting of the Roadmap based on the results of the FGDs/consultative workshops which shall focus on two (2) major areas,
The institutional strengthening of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP)
Enhancing the Construction Professional Educational System as well as the Construction Manpower Skills Development Systems; and
The organization of the consultative workshops/FGDs and Construction Industry Congress, however, shall be undertaken by the PCA Secretariat.

USAID – Economic Growth Hubs Project – (USAID-EGH), Philippines
November 13, 2009 - September 30, 2010
Improve the provision of the infrastructure needed to support economic development and poverty reduction.
3 sub-Projects:
Better Provision of Infrastructure through Improved Public-Private Partnerships (PPPS)
Partnerships for Better Infrastructure through Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Budget and Spending.
Linking the Island Economies of the Philippines and Asia through Roll-on, Roll-off (RORO) Sea Transport Network.

Economic Growth Hubs (EGH)